Ignorable Calling

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Ignorable Calling


Please watch the video above and answer the following questions.

1.    Have you ever struggled with finding your calling?  What do you think the term   “calling” means?

2.    Why do we struggle with knowing if our dreams and desires are from God or from ourselves?  How could a dream or desire that comes from God be something we might fear, ignore, or deny?

3.    How can wrong choices become positive elements in our life story?

4.    How can our calling become obvious by reviewing our life story? Or how does God use our Story to reveal our calling to us?

5.    Discuss these questions in regard to discovering and fulfilling your calling. Answer each question from the perspective of trying to discover your calling and then from the perspective of already knowing your calling.

  • Do I go here or here?
  • Is it just about where I go or what I do?
  • Or is it about who I am and who I am becoming?

6.    Do you think it is possible to live your whole life and fulfill your calling without actually knowing what it is?

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