Highest Honors…..What comes to mind?



Achievement, accomplishment, victory
Bravery, sacrifice, service
Competition, being the first, the best
Position, mastery, expertise……..
Winners, highest scores, the ability to overcome obstacles
Make an impact, leave your mark…

From valedictorians to warriors, to priests and kings
From sports champs to Nobel Prize winners, humanitarians and local heroes
We accord them Highest Honors
No one does it better, they’ve graduated magna cum laude

Sometimes what they accomplish is beyond our imagination
We wonder how they did it
They must be smarter or stronger
have more money
more talent
more help.

We use words such as Superior! Magnificent! Brilliant! Exceptional! Impossible!
We shake our heads in disbelief
Stand and cheer and applaud in amazement, appreciation and respect

And sometimes we are them
The best of the best, continually striving for even Higher Honors

But, beyond all this, higher than the highest skyscraper and mountain
farther out than the farthest star
beyond all that man could ever achieve or imagine…
Is the One who truly deserves Highest Honors
The One known as the Most High and Glorious

The One behind it all

Download Journey One – Highest Honors for the rest of the story.

Glimpses of the Most High

Perhaps you’ve heard the story of the Blind Men and the Elephant.

One blind man touched the elephant’s side and exclaimed with conviction,
                      Why, an elephant is like a wall!
Another, feeling the tusk disagreed. He shouted his truth:
                       An elephant is round and smooth and sharp.
                       An elephant is like a spear.
Another, trying to get hold of a writhing trunk,
                       Decided that an elephant is like a snake.
Another, feeling a leg and knee,
                        Was convinced that elephants are like trees.
No, no, no, said another who was enjoying the breeze from a flapping ear,
                        An elephant is like a fan.
Another, who was holding on to the tail, argued
                        That it was more like a rope
And still another, whose cheek felt the swish of the tail’s tuft, argued,
                       Elephants are like paint brushes.

Not one of us, from our limited vantage point, can grasp the whole – but we can catch glimpses and explore facets of the Most High God. When we initially respond to God and begin our journey with Him, it is usually because we have been attracted to one of His attributes. This may be because of our personalities, our strengths, our needs at the time, but this then becomes our primary picture of all that God is.

We will be in trouble if we stay there, and unfortunately many of us do. Some of His attributes we like and can relate to and some we don’t understand, don’t like and then reject altogether. Yet we know what the blind men did not know – that each of us possesses only a sliver of the truth.

God is bigger than what we can get our hearts and minds around.

He is the Most High – transcendent above all, truly receiving the Highest Honors.

This has been our first attribute to study, the fact that He is totally unique, so far beyond what we can imagine, so amazing in quality, so high and lifted up.

He is unfathomable and yet He wants to journey with us. To try to live on your own without God will lead to wrong thinking.

Does it matter?  Join our quest and find out.

Excerpted from Highest Honors, Journal 1.6

The Truth is Out There

It’s all here, and there, and everywhere…..

All the Proof of Life we need that the Most High is real and true.

The totality of creation is enough to blow our minds – the universe displays its beauty, detail, balance and complexity.  Ever advancing technology has allowed us to peak in amazement at subatomic consistency, design and order – beyond anything we could have ever dreamed or imagined.

From the natural laws of physics and chemistry to the marvels of DNA and quarks, facts that were once thought impossible are now accepted without a second thought.

Such a marvelous creation only reveals an even more marvelous creator, The Most High and Glorious.

He has also imprinted our souls with a Proof of Life – as we are His greatest creation of all, stamped with His very own image.  This drives us to develop and enforce Moral Laws which in turn determine right and wrong behavior. Without these we could not live together in community and benefit society.

We know some things are just good for us – things like life, procreation, knowledge, good health, hard work, family, reasonable conduct, justice, peace, beauty.

Things like the Moral Laws contained in the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule.  We intuitively know these are true, and that they benefit us. This is proof of the stamp of His image.

And there’s even more Proof

  • Math and Music and Miracles,
  • The creation and survival of the Bible and the Church
  • The fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy
  • And last but definitely not least – there is Jesus Christ!

The Truth is Out There!

Excerpted from Highest Honors, Journal 1.2


Do You Ever Think About God?

Is your understanding of Him skewed because you look at Him through the prism of your own problems,  struggles,  experiences or situations?

It makes a difference how we think about God.

In fact,  it affects everything….

Everything we believe,  feel and do.


Our society today seeks to turn God into an errand boy,

a good luck charm,

a user friendly cosmic superhero

who shows up just in time to put a stamp of approval on our plans and make them so.

Unfortunately,  our human portraits of God hardly measure up to the truth about God.   And knowing and experiencing the truth about God is primary in living an adventurous and fruitful life.


So we will start at the very beginning…Who is God and how do I get to know Him,  not just know about Him?

Maybe you’re curious and taking the first steps toward a life of faith,

Or restarting a journey that has been sidetracked or burnt out.

Or perhaps you just need refreshment and encouragement as you continue to persevere in your spiritual adventure.

God is waiting

Let’s meet Him together in a brand new way.

Begin your Omniallinfinitude™ Journeys today.


Right here.

God is the Ultimate Constant

He is so good at what He does – it seems we can’t help but take HIM for granted.

The extraordinary becomes so ordinary,  we no longer take notice.

We become blind to God and turn a blind eye to others.

Oftentimes we get stuck,  waylaid along the way,  and we stop and settle for a life of routine and hurry,  instead of one filled with compassion and creativity.

We . are . bored . to . death.

It’s so easy to get in a rut…..Three things can keep us from moving on with God and taking our spiritual lives off autopilot.




  • We’re just tired and weary,  always stressed,  chasing after the wind,  trying to have it all,  we don’t even realize what’s happening to us.
  • We’re afraid,  afraid of failing,  of our own inadequacies,  that we won’t measure up,  so we stay where it’s safe.
  • Life is good,  comfort is king – why upset the apple cart,  why risk something new,  why take a chance.  We become complacent and stop paying attention.

We give up,  pack it in,  and our gaze wanders from God – to anything else that might satisfy – but nothing ever does.  Our accessorized lives do not produce the lives of adventure we long for and that only God can provide.

We . need . to . refocus.

Omniallinfinitude™ takes us back to the very beginning,  who is God and how do I get to know Him,  not just know about Him?

It’s time to turn away from our preconceived assumptions about a God who is about our size and looks a lot like us – to the wonder and reality of actually sharing our journey with a God who is beyond our imagination,  yet as close as our heartbeat.

Yes,  there will be struggle along the way – and it seems we have a million questions.

  • Can He be trusted?   What can I count on Him for?
  • Is there evidence that God is real?
  • Why is this so hard?   Why do we struggle so?   Why is there doubt,  fear,  anger,  depression,  pain and suffering?
  • What is He waiting for?
  • Why doesn’t anyone care?   Why don’t we care?   Why doesn’t anyone care about us?
  • Why are we here?   What happens when we die?

The answers are out there – to all these questions and more.


If you are ready to STARTSTART OVER,  or even just in need of a little TUNE UP along the way….

…. Omniallinfinitude™ is for you.