Some things we know…..

Is everything OK?

Are you sure?

outofcontrolSome things we know,
and some things we never will.

Some things we can control,
but for most things we just hold our breath and wait.

We plan our course,
But no one really knows what tomorrow brings.

Should we take this off ramp or continue a little longer?
Maybe there’s a Starbucks at the next one
Or an In N Out!

We think we know the way.
We even asked God to bless our plans.
Our plans…….

How do we know we are on the right course?

Some things we know,
Some things we can control.


Some know the ONE who is in control,
The ONE who truly knows it all.
The ONE who know the way and charts our course for us.
We are at HIS Mercy and the recipients of HIS Grace.


And because of HIM….everything is truly OK,
And we are sure of it.

Let Omniallinfinitude help empower your Journey and introduce you to the ONE who knows the way.

12 Blog Journeys

Investigating the attributes of God
Implementing the spiritual practices